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Seamless connection

Ease and Simplicity

There are a lot of third party logistic warehouses in the marketplace. We have found most of them are lacking when it comes to moving quickly and being able to drop ship on scale. We believe we have created a better option to best support your business.
Our team has extensive experience and proven track record of success in the distribution space from shipping out to the major retailers and individual consumers.

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We offer a warehouse that has a simple and straightforward price list allowing you to understand, plan, and manage your expenses. Keeping it simple from a billing and growth standpoint. 

We have made things easy

Track your inventory with a login to monitor your stock positions in nearly real-time. This gives you the consistency and accuracy of knowing exactly what you have in stock.

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Individual orders received before 2pm will ship same day. 
Providing you with fast delivery and consistency. 
Rushed full pallet orders can be facilitated on a case by case basis.

Warehouse Distribution

Our centrally located warehouse is just outside of Memphis, TN. We have over 300,000 square feet of warehouse space. Other locations are available for future growth or needs that might arise based on your business. Being centrally located, the majority of US households receive product within 2-3 business days with regular ground shipping.

Our warehouse is fully integrated to the OutsourcedIn solution so there are no additional connections needed. Meaning, as soon as your product arrives in the warehouse you are ready to ship orders. 

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